Anyhow, I pulled into the high school and was greeted by a door that wouldn’t open unless the front desk attendant buzzed you inside. Despite the two girls laughing at my attempts to pull the door open, I finally reached the guidance counseling office and met my recruit, his father and his counselor. We had a great conversation about Oberlin College and the opportunities ahead of him, and all in all, it was a great meeting.
After leaving the first school, I hit the road again for a school in the Orange County area. Along the way, I stopped by my old high school to visit with my former coach and former trainer as well as walk around the old campus. Most importantly, I got the opportunity to stop at Del Taco (for the Ohio natives, it is a better version of Taco Bell) and grab a nice greasy lunch. It was all I remembered and more.
From Del Taco, I drove to visit a recruit at his home to speak with his parents and eventually him as well. He didn’t get back from school until about an hour after I had begun the conversation with his parents, and as I think back, it might have been better that way. Much the same as kids are sometimes nervous about asking questions in front of parents or teachers, I think parents hold a little back in front of there kids. Once again, I felt like it was a great conversation and very productive.
I hit the road again at about 7:00 p.m. and tried to call my brother who attends a college in the Los Angeles area but couldn’t get a hold of him. I decided to keep driving east and stop at a motel along the way so that I would be closer to my destination for tomorrow.
The next morning, I grabbed a Jack-In-The-Box sourdough breakfast sandwich and began driving towards the Palm Desert area. Much like the name would suggest, there isn’t much to see along the drive. I’m glad I wasn’t tempted to sightsee because the never ending California road construction required both eyes on the road at all times. Thank you to “THE GOVERNATOR.”
I got to the high school and immediately met with the guidance counselor with whom I’ve had many conversations over the telephone. She tried to call my recruit out of class, but we had no luck finding him. We eventually found out that the teacher had let them go read outside because it was such a nice day. I won’t lie, I was worried about him ditching class, but then I remembered that he was interested in Oberlin, and Oberlin kids don’t ditch school.
We finally got the chance to talk and go through the logistics of coming to Oberlin, and at the end of it all, I had a very good sense that he would be coming in the fall if he gets accepted. This was definitely one of the best visits I’ve had in my time at Oberlin. It’s a good thing I felt so positive about my last visit of this trip because I was looking at a five-hour drive back to Fresno squarely in the face.
About four hours into it, I was done reflecting on my visits and looking forward to getting home and watching basketball with some friends. I was anxious and antsy from being in the car so long when about a mile away I saw a cloud of smoke. An hour later, I saw the burning car that set me back and made me miss the first half of the game I wanted to watch. I figured it wouldn’t be one of my road trips if something unusual didn’t happen along the way.
Well, that’s it for this set of recruiting trips. I hope you enjoyed seeing a little bit of what we coaches do when we aren’t in season. I’ll be back here on the west coast soon enough to catch some of the national tournaments, but as for now, I’m looking forward to spending some time relaxing at the pool. Until next time…
Go Yeo or Go Home!!